Daisywheel White Label Publications
Make your magazine WORK FOR YOU

Download our free report on the 10 most common mistakes accountancy practice owners are making when taking on new clients.
The report will help you:
- Get the right pricing strategy to secure the right clients
- Set parameters for each contract that work from the start
- Make sure ALL your client relationships are on the right footing
And most importantly identify costly mistakes you are making, and show you how to put them right. This free report will make sure you never make them again!
Daisywheel Magazines
Having your own publication helps you communicate with your existing clients and attract new ones. Make It Count is the Daisywheel 'white label' publication for accountants. Each issue combines expertly sourced and pre-written articles aimed at your audience. They feature your own branding, photo and personalised editorial letter – ready to send out as your magazine and feature on your website.